Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hi There, wanna be part of

Greetings Earthilings, I am the administrator of
This is my first blog post on behalf of my website. Infact, this is my first blog post.
Right now, has limited content. If I had to tell you what is at this moment, all I can say is that it's a humor website.
but I wish for it to evolve into something much more.
i want it to be
the very best
like no site ever was.
To find fun is it's real test,
to make fun is it's cause
Ok, moving on...
I require it to be much more than a humor website, I need it to be about entertainment, learning, coding and stuff like that
There are many things to get done and I have very little time to do them with my busy schedule.
I don't think I can manage this by my lonesome.
I probably need help.
If you can help out, please volunteer
If you know someone that can help, ask them to volunteer